perm filename FILES[X,AIL]9 blob
sn#136778 filedate 1974-12-19 generic text, type T, neo UTF8
FILES[X,AIL], ;this file
TELLEM[DOC,AIL], ;how to put up a SAIL system
SAIL.REL[X,AIL], ;debugging version of (export) compiler
DDT.REL[1,3], ;sail-style ddt
LIBSA8.REL[X,AIL], ;export library
RUNTIM.REL[X,AIL], ;export runtimes as one rel file.
HEAD, ;SAIL source
FOO2, ;SAIL source -- declares runtime routines
HEL, ;productions
SAIL, ;source file (compiler)
PARSE, ;source (compiler)
PROD, ;output of ptran
RESTAB, ;output of RTRAN
SYM, ;source file (compiler)
GEN, ;source (compiler)
ARRAY, ;source (compiler)
EXPRS, ;ditto
STATS, ;ditto
LEAP, ;ditto
TOTAL, ;ditto
PROCSS, ;ditto
COMSER, ;ditto
GOGOL, ;source (runtimes)
TRIGS, ;ditto
STRSER, ;ditto
IOSER, ;ditto
ARYSER, ;ditto
RECSER, ;ditto (actually just a Stanford file for now)
UP, ;ditto -- sets a switch
LOW, ;ditto
TAILOR, ;used to make a segment
LEPRUN, ;source for runtimes
WRDGET, ;ditto
NWORLD, ;ditto
SPARES, ;ditto
ORDER, ;used to make library
FAIL.REL, ;make from FAIL[CSP,SYS] with stansw off
PTRAN.SAI, ;compiles productions
RTRAN.SAI, ;makes reserved word table
SCNCMD.SAI, ;used by ptran & rtran
WNTSLS.SAI, ;ditto
MAKTAB.SAI, ;makes the break table file
BKTBL.BKT[1,3], ;break table file
2OPS2.OPS[1,3], ;op code file (used by compiler)
PROCES.DEF[1,3], ;useful macros for processes
TEST.SAI[X,AIL], ;SAIL 'test' file -- try it!
PROFIL.SAI[X,AIL], ;counter system uses this
LOADER.MAC[CSP,SYS], ;the loader
FAIL[CSP,SYS], ;Source for FAIL: users must edit & turn off stansw
DDT[S,SYS], ;FAIL source for our DDT
RAID[CSP,SYS], ;FAIL source for RAID, our super fancy DDT-like debugger
NRAID.FAI[CSP,SYS], ;FAIL source for RAID, our yet fancier DDT-like debugger
CREF[CSP,SYS], ;Source for CREF
GRUMP[X,AIL], ;REL file printer.
DB, ;file that has FTDEBUG←←1 in it.
RUN, ;command file for making RUNTIM.REL
THAT, ;command file for making compiler
IT, ;command file for making the other compiler!
SGMNT, ;command file for making second segment.
SCISS.SAI[X,AIL], ;library maker
BAIL.DOC[DOC,AIL] ;preliminary documentation about a new SAIL debugger
BAIL.SAI[1,JFR] ;source for BAIL
WRITON.SAI[1,JFR] ;more of same
SM1DMP.SAI[1,JFR] ;Random BAILing bucket
LIES[DOC,AIL], ;TYPOS in manual
SAIL.UPD[AIM,DOC], ;Additions to manual (new features)
ARRSER.SAI[1,DCS], ;array mangler & allocater
EXTEND.SAI[1,DCS], ;look and see
SRTSER.SAI[1,DCS], ;ditto
SYMSER.SAI[1,DCS], ;some symbol table routines
LP4MAT.SAI[LEP,JRL], ;symbolic LEAP dump
LPDUMP.SAI[LEP,JRL], ;binary LEAP dump
LPREAD.SAI[LEP,JRL], ;reads output of LPDUMP
MUNGE.SAI[LEP,JRL], ;munges arrays
IOMODS.SAI[LEP,JRL], ;disk/tty io package
ABBREV.SAI[S,RHT], ;RHT's winning standard abbreviations
MACROS.SAI[S,RHT], ;RHT's standard macros
LEPAUX.SAI[S,RHT], ;RHT's leap extending routines
LEPAUX.HDR[S,RHT], ;header to request above
RECAUX.SAI[S,RHT], ;Record auxilliaries
RECAUX.HDR[S,RHT], ;Record header file
PRINTF.SAI[S,RHT], ;general print routines
PRINTF.HDR[S,RHT], ;header file for above
SPACE.HDR[S,RHT], ;gets & releases blocks of core (header file)
SPACE.FAI[S,RHT], ;procedures for above
IOMOD.HDR[S,RHT], ;RHT's tty/disk io package
IOMOD.SAI[S,RHT] ;procedures for above